Software Development Services
  • Logo and Graphical Design - Work with our team to create a business logo and custom graphical content for your website
  • Online Presence Essentials - Let us walk you through the creation and registration of your business domain name and assist you in arranging for hosting of your website
  • Website Design and Maintenance - Create a fully functioning website for your business or update the one you have
  • Website Scripting - Add functionality to your websites using Perl, PHP, and Javascript languages
  • Online Client Account Management - Add the ability for your clients to create secure accounts in order to log into your website
  • Database Design and Maintenance - Implement a MySQL database on your website to streamline data gathering and let us manage it for you
  • Secure Sites Pages - Allow your administrative functions to exist in a secure area of your website that only you have access to
  • Online Data Submission - Create forms online for your clients that send your data to you via emails or pdf documents
  • Ongoing Site Management - Allow STZ Consulting to handle the updates and management of your website so you can focus on more important areas of your business
Project Management Services
Certified Project Management Professional (PMP) on Staff
  • Development and Execution of Project Plans - Properly define projects and break down your work into manageable items to ensure success
  • Schedule Planning - Develop and track to realistic schedules that gets the right job done in the right amount of time
  • Metrics Management - Define your key metrics based on what matters most to your customers
  • Quality Assurance Software Testing - Ensure software defects are found and corrected before customer deployment
Customer Value Services
Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt on Staff
  • Customer Value Measurement - Define metrics to baseline processes in order to drive continual improvement
  • Lean Six Sigma - Learn to listen to and use the Voice of the Customer to drive defect reduction and improve your cycle time
  • Business Process Improvements - Use process stream mapping techniques, such as Value Stream Maps, to achieve process efficiences
Contact us to learn how STZ Consulting can help you start or grow your business today.